Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cow is our Mother : Authority USA and China.

Recently I was glad to read in the papers that the Governments of both USA and also China have granted patents of cow urine as a drug. We knew it all along over generations but such confirmation, especially by countries who value cow basically for her food value makes us all the more happy.. It appears that it has also received two similar patents earlier.’ --one conforming its drug availability enhancing property and theother for its anti-cancer and anti-infective properties. China has also recognized its anti-oxidant and cell permeability enhancing properties.

Thus the efforts of the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) joint experiment onGomutra Ark formulation have now been validated. The Chinese patent (100475221) and the US Patent(7718360) was received on May 18,2010. Both the patents have certified that the composition is useful for protection of and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages. DNA oxidation is known to be the cause cancer.

Mr. Tapan Chakrawartri, acting Director of told media persons at the press conference at Nagpur ‘Many patients, some of them terminally ill with diseases like cancer, have come to the Go vigyan Kendra for treatment and have claimed to have benefited from the Gomutra Ark .Earlier Mr.Raghunath Mashelkar Director General of CISR was impressed by the work of the Kendra and offered partnership of CSIR with it.

All this is indeed quite creditable. The RSS is actively associated with this project and in fact is a partner in it. In fact this is a pet project of RSS .While as Indian we have been aware of the drug potentialities of gomutra we had not taken an initiative to obtain a patent for it after following due procedure. Had it not done this some American company would have applied for the patent. This has happened in many cases and India (and even Pakistan) had to lodge strong protests and guard our interests. Had this not happened we would have to take the drug as a medicine by purchasing it from America.

The RSS whose popular image in the society is one of holding Shakhas only and even the shakhas are nowadays are very well attended. However, it has shown examplry initiative

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