Monday, December 28, 2009

Dial 1098

If you have a function/party at your home and if there is excess food available at the end, don't hesitate to call 1098 (only in India) - child helpline. They will come and collect the food.

Please circulate this message which can help feed many children..

"Helping hands are better than Praying Lips".

Pass this to all whom you know and whom you don’t know as well.

1 comment:


THIS IS A FALSE CHAIN MAIL, that you have been forwarding.

CHILDLINE India does not collect left over food after a party.

CHILDLINE 1098 is India’s Children’s phone emergency outreach service for distressed and deprived children in need of care and protection. We not only respond to emergency needs of children but also provide a platform of networking amongst organisations and provide linkages to support systems that facilitate the rehabilitation of children in need. This is a project supported by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and linking state Governments, NGOs, bilateral /multilateral agencies and corporate sector.

This circulating chain mail that says - 'one should call up 1098 to pick up left over food after a party etc so that it is not wasted', actually results in blocking and jamming the phone line which is there to provide emergency service to marginalised children. For the same reason we have a warning at the bottom of the homepage of our website,, pertaining to this.

Let me tell you once more, that please from next time, whenever you get chain mails of these sorts, PLEASE CHECK ONLINE, OR CALL, OR CHECK THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE MAIL, and THINK TWICE before you forward it. Instead of doing good, as you intend to do, you might be doing the exact opposite, by your gesture.

We sincerely request you to spread the word about the same so that we are able to work smoothly for the broader cause we have undertaken.

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