Monday, December 7, 2009

Twitter .. For Knowing Feedback

Dear Readers,

We have heard the name of Twitter for social networking a lot.
What we know probably is twitter coming in twitts on comments of Shashi Tharoor. Moreover to make publicity people do use Twitter. Like many companies have accounts over twitter and interested consumer follows the same on twitter.

But now a days a lot of companies are using Twitter not only for showcasing themselves.. but now people have started using twitter to know
1) What customers are saying about their brands
2) Their feedback on quality
3) people's aspiration about new features desired

Twitter has launched new tool named Twitterlytics or Twitter analytics. Which collects various inforamation from users and gets them to know what they want to.

Twitter has become the handy tool for people to convey their feelings to the online world very easily. So, if a electronic gadget you are using suddenly crashes, you can be online from your computer or mobile phone and tweet an angry message about the brand you are not happy with. If you like some recipe or food you can tweet about the same. It will be immediately passed on to your followers on twitter. So if they have to say something about the brand or so they will immediately say something there.

Contact us for any Website Development or Twitter Integration

This way the collective feedback works great for companies to improve / get to know about their brands, feedback from people etc.

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